Disability Advocate
“Communication is a human right.”
In June of 2019, I was invited by the International Communication Project to be one of their speakers at a side bar event at the United Nations during the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Educating About People With Disabilities
“When I speak to people a major goal of mine is to show that someone who has physical disabilities can be independent and learn to advocate for themselves.”
In 2017, I starting going to Elementary Schools to speak to 5th grade students about understanding people with disabilities. Speaking to young students opened up a whole new area of work for me. To learn more about my work educating young people go to My Presentations, Elementary Schools.
In 2019, Self-Advocacy Association of New York State (SANYS,) invited me to make a presentation to students at Columbia University. I enjoyed doing this and look forward to other opportunities where I can educate and inform about self-advocacy for people with disabilities.
Advocacy for others is something I have always taken seriously. When I was in high school I organized three fund raisers, one for the orphans of the Rwandan genocide and two for the refugees from Darfur.

In high school I met Paul Rusesabagina the hero in the movie Hotel Rwanda
After I left high school, I did fund raising work for the Afya Foundation and for the JDC to help people in developing countries who were in need of medical supplies.