“I communicate using AAC”
Who I am
My name is Miles Forma. I was born in 1987, with a physical disability called Cerebral Palsy which has impaired my ability to walk and talk.
However, I can talk and have conversations with people by using AAC, Augmentative and Alternative Communication. I am currently using a Tobii/Dynavox I-13.
I was born with Cerebral Palsy
After I was born my parents became concerned because I wasn’t reaching certain milestones that babies typically do. My parents brought me to a Developmental Pediatrician who specialized in diagnosing and caring for children who have developmental disabilities. The doctor examined me and told my parents that I had Cerebral Palsy.
Cerebral Palsy, or CP, is an umbrella term for a group of motor disorders affecting a person’s ability to control their muscles and movements. CP is caused by damage to the developing brain either during pregnancy or shortly after birth.
The doctor said that because I had CP, I would probably not be able to do much with my life. She told my parents, “they would have to bring the world to me,” those were her exact words… they would have to bring the world to me.
But my parents did not accept what the doctor told them. They worked hard to help me grow and develop to become an independent person, and to help me realize that I can do many things and make a difference in my life.